Filings for Activity of Labor Relations Consultants (Anti-union consultants)
Data source: OLMS website, scraped
city, name, organization, po_box,_bldg,_room_no,_if_any, state, street, title, zip_code, rptId, contact_type
6,138 rows
address1, address2, amended, amendment, beginDate, city, empLabOrg, endDate, file_checksum, file_path, file_status, filing_url, formFiled, originalRptId, paperOrElect, receiveDate, registerDate, repOrgsCnt, rptId, srFilerId, srNum, state, yrCovered, zip
10,956 rows
rptId, amended, date_fiscal_year_ends, direct, indirect, city, date_entered_into, name, organization, po_box,_bldg,_room_no,_if_any, state, street, zip_code, notes, written_agreement, type_of_person
2,760 rows
rptId, fees_for_professional_services, loans_made, officer_and_administrative_expenses, other_disbursements, publicity, total_disbursements_(sum_of_items_8-13), total_disbursements_to_officers_and_employees, period_begin, period_through, Employer Name, Trade Name, If any, Amount, Purpose, City, Name, Organization, P.O. B, B, Room N, if any, Street, Title, ZIP code, total_disbursements
309 rows
rptId, specific_activity_id, performer_order, city, name, organization, po_box,_bldg,_room_no,_if_any, state, street, zip
3,938 rows
rptId, receipt_number, amount, city, employer, mailing_address, name, non-cash_payment, po_box,_bldg,_room_no,_if_any, state, street, termination_date, title, trade_name, type_of_payment, zip_code
891 rows
id, rptId, activity_order, specific_extent_of_performance, specific_nature_of_activity, specific_period_of_performance, specific_subject_employees, specific_subject_labor_orgs
2,816 rows
... and 2 hidden tables
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