Results of NLRB union-representation elections, 1965-1998
Data source: JP Ferguson
nlrb_id, region, r_type, docket, sic, unit, elect_size, elect_type, elig_voter, fst_votes, fst_union, sec_votes, sec_union, thr_votes, thr_union, votes_no, challenged, elect_contr, objection_filed_date, obj_party, day_obj_el, ruling_obj, day_dec_el, req_review, elect_ctrl, hrngctrl, day_el_clo, stg_closin, meth_disp, participant, incumb_un, recordctrl, t_dt_filed, filed_date, company, address, pet_union, valid_for, valid_cast, t_dt_elect, election_date, won, recodemth, state, gsacty, local, local_name, mailballot, t_dt_closed, closed_date, zip, problem, city_name, county_name
224,822 rows
... and 2 hidden tables
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